Sunday, 30 April 2017

Task 1: List 10 stories/debates/examples that you could use for the Identities and the Media question. 
  1. Ill Manors - Working class/youth
  2. Gone too far/Tight Jeans by Destiny Ekaragwa - Black identities in the UK
  3. Laura Bates/EverydaySexism - feminism tackling sexism (fourth wave feminism)
  4. No More Page 3 campaign - feminism tackling sexism
  5. Twitter communities and identities - "Black Twitter"
  6. Citizen Khan/Yasmin - Asian identities in the UK
  7. Edward Said Orientalism - East is demonised, west vs. east
  8. Beyonce why dont you love me - Judith butler vs. McRobbie
  9. London riots - negative representation of the youth in news
  10. The kids are alright - Portrays homosexual couples/parents in a positive light, 
Task 2: List 10 stories/debates/examples that you could use for the New/Digital Media question.
  1. Data mining 
  2. Fake news
  3. Globalisation/ Americanisation 
  4. The decline of newspapers/print media
  5. Marxism vs. Pluralism
  6. News values
  7. Internet and the news (Paywalls)
  8. Social media
  9. Citizen journalism / hyper reality

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